
Influencer Marketing for Beauty Brands


Influencer marketing has become crucial to the success of cosmetic and personal care brands worldwide.  Why?  Well more than 22% of cosmetics are now purchased online.  And customer trust in brands is lower than it has ever been.

But influencers have a unique kind of leverage in the digital world.  TRUST.  That’s right, influencers have cultivated the trust of (sometimes) large audiences.  This course will show you how to find influencers and how to tap into the TRUST they’ve built up with their audiences.



In a nutshell, you should take this course if you….

Are starting, or have just started your beauty brand.
Looking to promote your brand more effectively in the digital marketplace.
Are a brand manager for numerous brands and want to enhance your digital marketing skillset.
Are having trouble with your current digital marketing strategy.  And want to revamp it.
Want to take those first crucial steps toward entrepreneurship and being your own boss.



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